Happy Birthday Anjali Tendulkar 🎂💟

" First Time I saw him in the airport..I was there to receive my mom who was coming from England. I didn’t know he was 17. I didn’t know who he was. I was with my friend Aparna, who told me,
‘Don’t you know who this is? He is Sachin Tendulkar, the wonder boy of Indian cricket ''
I didn’t care what he was or who he was; I had no interest in cricket. I just thought he was really cute,”

I forgot about my mother and I ran screaming 'Sachin, Sachin, so cute'. The funny thing is Ajit and Nitin [Tendulkar's brothers] were there with him I thought he was so cute and I just ran after him. Sachin was so embarrassed that I was screaming his name. He just looked down and got into the car."

"This is what I say is destiny. I called Sachin and he was not used to picking up the phone. That day he picked up the phone. I said, ‘I am Anjali and you dont know me, and I saw you at the airport yesterday.’
He said, ‘Ya ya, I remember, I saw you.' So I asked him, 'Really? Tell me what you remember'. So he told me I was wearing an orange shirt. That's what I call destiny.

The first time Sachin wanted me to come to his house, he was a little hesitant. He came up with this plan that he will tell people at his home that I was a journalist. When I met him in 1990, there was no technology, I had to cross my huge medical campus to a telephone booth to call him. I then decided to write letters to him when he was in Sydney to save on telephone bills.

Sachin was ready to get engaged to Anjali, but was terrified to tell his parents. So he insisted that Anjali went and broke the news to his parents when he was faraway, in New Zealand.

and Story Goes on 💟
Happy bday Anjali mam


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

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